So mornings in our house are full speed ahead, full tilt, full throttle, etc trying to get everybody ready and out the door, with everything they need, to school on time. Except for Dad. Three kids to get ready, dogs and cats to be fed, beds to be made, etc.Once he has turned on the lights in the kids room and said "Get up." or something of the like he sits on the couch for 35 more minutes while everyone else gets busy getting ready. Then with 3 seconds until blast off, or time to leave so Annslie makes it to the bus on time, he gets up and puts his boots on and gathers the trash bags then says "We need to be going. Hurry up, it's time to go, let'sgolet'sgolet'sgo!" At which point I shoot him eye daggers because HE HAS BEEN SITTING ON THE COUCH WATCHING THE WEATHER FOR 35 MINUTES! While the rest of us have been running around and getting hair done and making sure back-packs are stuffed and papers signed and Annslie has her athletic clothes and shoes and Mad has his soccer stuff and TheDivineMissM has her dance stuff, etc. And he already has listened to the weather on the radio, and may have watched the weather before he came downstairs, and watched it before he went o bed last night. I wonder if their isn't some weird addiction to the weather channel that men succumb to at about age 30?
But not this morning. Dad didn't watch the weather because the satellite is down. Ha! But instead of contributing to the tasks at hand, helping us get out the door in a faster and more orderly way, he thinks of other stuff to do that has no baring whatsoever as to whether we get out the door on time or not. He is worrying about signing papers for cub scouts that don't even have to be signed until next week sometime, but he sends Mad on a search for the cub scout book instead of getting socks on and shoes tied. Thus setting us back at least 3 minutes. Oh wait, he did tell the girls to go back and turn their bedroom lights off...and for that I will be forever grateful.
We did get Annslie to the bus on time, and she was not the last one on, but still. Could Dad not get with program? Come on now son!
Now I'm going home to get two items that we forgot and them take them to school..
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