So back to the scandal concerning the mayor and our villages police force. The police force has been cut in 1/2 because the patrolman at the center of the scandal resigned. So we have only one Barney Fife left. And actually Mr. Fife does a very good job and I'm pretty sure his gun is fully loaded at all times. Apparently Fife will choose to issue tickets through the county rather than the city because the honorable Mayor McPrick has this strange habit of "losing" or "misplacing" tickets. This ties into the next tidbit of info I will be divulging...
Yesterday the justice of the peace put in her resignation because she said she couldn't handle the added stress and doesn't want to put up with all of the requisite B.S. that is now coming her way, oh and she can't stand the mayor. This seems to be an over riding common theme with residents and close associates. I talked with Stella, a friend of mine who works in the city offices, she also can't stand Mayor McPrick. I think "hypocritical, lying bigot" were her exact words. She is pondering dropping out of the community Christmas program because she is subjected to his pricknesses presence at the practices.
So with the resignation of our justice of the peace a new one will have to be appointed to office. Guess who does the appointing? You guessed it, say it with me people "Mayor McPrick!" Of course the appointment will have to be approved by the city council, but I'm sure the Mayor will get that done, or else he'll throw a big fit and try to tell everyone that really it's up to the mayor, completely disregarding any civil law on the books because of his zeppelin size ego.
The bank did not approve Jenny D. to have off the day off for an upcoming convention she and I and 40 other women we know are going to. Even though she has a vacation day she can use...I really don't get that. Maybe I have been spoiled by the firm; in 10 years I have never been denied a day off. Anyway, Jenny needs this conference as much as the rest of us, not just because it's two days with no kids or hubby, but because the convention is such an uplifting and refreshing experience. Plus it's the girls, out and about in an actual big city, with malls and restaurants and movie theaters and museums and taxis and starbucks! The stinkin' bank didn't let her off the last time she asked either. She was going with hubby to a big city OVERNIGHT WITHOUT KIDS while he did a voice over for a book that is being published this fall. Dumb stinkin bank, I knew I didn't want to work there. makes me want to withdraw all of my 30 dollars and close my checking account! That would show them...
The stupid athletic department at Annslies school is about to pluck my last nerve. First we have one home soccer game for the girls this season. 1 home game, that's it. There were supposed to be TWO but then something happened and now we are traveling to the other school twice. Next they scheduled the soccer team to participate in a tournament this weekend and informed the players about it yesterday. I still don't know where the tournament is or when it starts or when to have her to the bus Saturday morning, I'm sure it will be sometime before dawn. And by the schedule we received at the beginning of the season the football team was supposed to have an open week (it said it in big black bold print) this week but all of the sudden we have a game tomorrow! And finally just when Annslie was starting to enjoy cross country (she made a good showing this past weekend) the coach changed the practice time from mornings to afternoons, which conflicts with cheerleading practice and football games 3 out of 4 days. I threw a fit last night to hubs, he's on the school board, and told him he had the power to say something and get something done...but he just stared at me blankly so I figure I'll have to complain to someone myself. Hubs usually has the attitude "It's done and what can be done about it now?" Hello, let's do somethimg so it doesn't happen again in the future? Checks and balances, right? Sometimes hubs is way to laid back.
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